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Our music staff is ready to guide every participant gently and effectively as they explore the world of music. Using Groove’s philosophy of success-based learning, each participant has the chance to explore various instruments and avenues of music-making to really get a feel for what works best for them. Whether in a private setting or learning with a group, Groove’s music program employs a variety of educational approaches and strategies to help each student most effectively grow their skills as an artist. Participants have the opportunity to perform, compose, record, publish, socialize, and improvise according to what most interests them.

Groove's Music program offers participants a number of options:

Private Lessons

Group Classes

Session Work

Adaptive Music Instruction

Rehearsal Space

Check out some media below from Groove's Project Vault!

Yoga Instructor Tamar Lewkowitz

​I love going new places, trying new things, being active, and experiencing the arts. I play lots of sports, I'm a technology and A/V nerd, I was a career musician, and I have been a visual-arts buff my whole life. 

I grew up in a family of musicians. Anyone who has experienced this phenomenon may relate to this as well, but in our house music was how we interacted. It was how we related to each other, it was how we socialized with our family and friends, it was how we learned to understand the world, and it was how we developed skills for understanding ourselves. Music truly is a language and a culture in and of itself, and it has the capacity to foster a tremendous amount of developmental growth. 

5707B Arundel Ave, Rockville, MD 20852  

Tel:  301.348.8763     Fax: 301.348.8734

Our studio is available by appointment seven days a week:

Monday-Friday 8am - 9pm

Saturday/Sunday: 8am - 7pm

© 2023 Groove

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